201 research outputs found

    Razionalità e Libertà: aspetti del pensiero politico di Amartya Sen

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    L'analisi del penisero politico di Amartya Sen e, in particolare la sua dottrina della democrazia e dell'identità, è condotta a partire dagli strumenti logici e concettuali che egli ha sviluppato nel corso della sua attività nel campo dell'economia del benessere e della teoria della scelta sociale

    Marxism before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the birth of Russian social-democracy

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    The Swiss-Russian economist Nikolaj Sieber was one of the first who wrote about Marx in Russia. In this article we reconstruct the development of his thought by mobilising evidence about the intellectual and political context he lived in. We document his involvement within the Ukrainian national movement of the 1870s and argue that this closeness was consistent with his take on the capitalist evolution of the Russian Empire. We discuss his importance in the Russian debates on the future of the peasant commune and of Russia and conclude that his interpretation of Marx and capitalism was crucial for the development of the Russian social-democratic party

    Margin Optimal Classification Trees

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    In recent years there has been growing attention to interpretable machine learning models which can give explanatory insights on their behavior. Thanks to their interpretability, decision trees have been intensively studied for classification tasks, and due to the remarkable advances in mixed-integer programming (MIP), various approaches have been proposed to formulate the problem of training an Optimal Classification Tree (OCT) as a MIP model. We present a novel mixed-integer quadratic formulation for the OCT problem, which exploits the generalization capabilities of Support Vector Machines for binary classification. Our model, denoted as Margin Optimal Classification Tree (MARGOT), encompasses the use of maximum margin multivariate hyperplanes nested in a binary tree structure. To enhance the interpretability of our approach, we analyse two alternative versions of MARGOT, which include feature selection constraints inducing local sparsity of the hyperplanes. First, MARGOT has been tested on non-linearly separable synthetic datasets in 2-dimensional feature space to provide a graphical representation of the maximum margin approach. Finally, the proposed models have been tested on benchmark datasets from the UCI repository. The MARGOT formulation turns out to be easier to solve than other OCT approaches, and the generated tree better generalizes on new observations. The two interpretable versions are effective in selecting the most relevant features and maintaining good prediction quality

    Tratamiento con técnicas fijas para casos de succión digital en adolescentes : A propósito de un caso

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    El hábito es la costumbre o práctica adquirida por la repetición frecuente de un mismo acto, que en un principio se hace en forma consciente y luego de modo inconsciente, como son la respiración nasal, masticación, fonoarticulación y deglución, considerados fisiológicos o funcionales, existiendo también aquellos no fisiológicos entre los cuales tenemos la succión que puede ser dedo, en este caso en adolescentes.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Tratamiento con técnicas fijas para casos de succión digital en adolescentes : A propósito de un caso

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    El hábito es la costumbre o práctica adquirida por la repetición frecuente de un mismo acto, que en un principio se hace en forma consciente y luego de modo inconsciente, como son la respiración nasal, masticación, fonoarticulación y deglución, considerados fisiológicos o funcionales, existiendo también aquellos no fisiológicos entre los cuales tenemos la succión que puede ser dedo, en este caso en adolescentes.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    Tratamiento con técnicas fijas para casos de succión digital en adolescentes : A propósito de un caso

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    El hábito es la costumbre o práctica adquirida por la repetición frecuente de un mismo acto, que en un principio se hace en forma consciente y luego de modo inconsciente, como son la respiración nasal, masticación, fonoarticulación y deglución, considerados fisiológicos o funcionales, existiendo también aquellos no fisiológicos entre los cuales tenemos la succión que puede ser dedo, en este caso en adolescentes.Categoría: Casos clínicos.Facultad de Odontologí

    The footprint of metabolism in the organization of mammalian genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>At present five evolutionary hypotheses have been proposed to explain the great variability of the genomic GC content among and within genomes: the mutational bias, the biased gene conversion, the DNA breakpoints distribution, the thermal stability and the metabolic rate. Several studies carried out on bacteria and teleostean fish pointed towards the critical role played by the environment on the metabolic rate in shaping the base composition of genomes. In mammals the debate is still open, and evidences have been produced in favor of each evolutionary hypothesis. Human genes were assigned to three large functional categories (as well as to the corresponding functional classes) according to the KOG database: (i) information storage and processing, (ii) cellular processes and signaling, and (iii) metabolism. The classification was extended to the organisms so far analyzed performing a reciprocal Blastp and selecting the best reciprocal hit. The base composition was calculated for each sequence of the whole CDS dataset.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The GC3 level of the above functional categories was increasing from (i) to (iii). This specific compositional pattern was found, as footprint, in all mammalian genomes, but not in frog and lizard ones. Comparative analysis of human versus both frog and lizard functional categories showed that genes involved in the metabolic processes underwent the highest GC3 increment. Analyzing the KOG functional classes of genes, again a well defined intra-genomic pattern was found in all mammals. Not only genes of metabolic pathways, but also genes involved in chromatin structure and dynamics, transcription, signal transduction mechanisms and cytoskeleton, showed an average GC3 level higher than that of the whole genome. In the case of the human genome, the genes of the aforementioned functional categories showed a high probability to be associated with the chromosomal bands.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the light of different evolutionary hypotheses proposed so far, and contributing with different potential to the genome compositional heterogeneity of mammalian genomes, the one based on the metabolic rate seems to play not a minor role. Keeping in mind similar results reported in bacteria and in teleosts, the specific compositional patterns observed in mammals highlight metabolic rate as unifying factor that fits over a wide range of living organisms.</p

    Axillary Ectopic Carcinoma of the Breast. Report of Two Cases with Different Clinical Presentation and Review of the Literature.

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    Aims: Primary ectopic breast cancer (PEBC) is a rare and often misdiagnosed condition. Through the discussion of two clinical cases, we want to focus on clinical presentation, outcomes and treatment of PEBC, to lead clinicians to awareness and optimal management. Methods: We present the case of a 47-year-old patient, with a 30 mm axillary mass, that was diagnosed as a PEBC (infiltrating lobular carcinoma, triple negative). The patient underwent systemic staging: diffuse metastatic bone lesions and leptomeningeal metastasis were found. The second patient is a 73-year-old woman with personal history of right breast tumor. She came to our attention for a 9 mm left axillary mass, suspicious for a metastatic lymph node. A fine-needle cytology revealed the absence of lymphoid cells but the presence of atypical epithelial cells, as in a primary breast carcinoma. She was treated with local excision and sentinel node biopsy. Results: The first patient presented with metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis and she deceased after three months from the diagnosis, despite systemic chemotherapy. The diagnosis was performed at an early stage in the second patient. She underwent surgery, complementary endocrine therapy and radiotherapy. She has no evident disease after two years from surgery. Conclusion: Primary ectopic breast cancer is a rare clinical entity, often misdiagnosed or diagnosed with a long delay. The treatment of PEBC is analogous to that of orthotopic breast cancer, but we strongly recommend to approach the patient with a multidisciplinary team to provide the best staging workout and therapie

    Alternativas de enseñanza en tiempos de pandemia

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    Introducción: En tiempos de pandemia se presenta un gran desafío a nivel educativo para estudiantes y docentes de la Tecnicatura de Prótesis Odontológica. Durante este año lectivo atípico tuvimos que readaptar la forma de enseñanza de contenidos. Objetivos: Formular una modalidad de trabajo que permita el aprendizaje. Generar un sistema de comunicación fluida entre estudiantes y docentes.Facultad de Odontologí

    Nerve growth factor neutralization promotes oligodendrogenesis by increasing miR-219a-5p levels

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    In the brain, the neurotrophin Nerve growth factor (NGF) regulates not only neuronal survival and differentiation, but also glial and microglial functions and neuroinflammation. NGF is known to regulate oligodendrogenesis, reducing myelination in the central nervous system (CNS). In this study, we found that NGF controls oligodendrogenesis by modulating the levels of miR-219a-5p, a well-known positive regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation. We exploited an NGF-deprivation mouse model, the AD11 mice, in which the postnatal expression of an anti-NGF antibody leads to NGF neutralization and progressive neurodegeneration. Notably, we found that these mice also display increased myelination. A microRNA profiling of AD11 brain samples and qRT-PCR analyses revealed that NGF deprivation leads to an increase of miR-219a-5p levels in hippocampus and cortex and a corresponding down-regulation of its predicted targets. Neurospheres isolated from the hippocampus of AD11 mice give rise to more oligodendrocytes and this process is dependent on miR-219a-5p, as shown by decoy-mediated inhibition of this microRNA. Moreover, treatment of AD11 neurospheres with NGF inhibits miR-219a-5p up-regulation and, consequently, oligodendrocyte differentiation, while anti-NGF treatment of wild type (WT) oligodendrocyte progenitors increases miR-219a-5p expression and the number of mature cells. Overall, this study indicates that NGF inhibits oligodendrogenesis and myelination by down-regulating miR-219a-5p levels, suggesting a novel molecular circuitry that can be exploited for the discovery of new effectors for remyelination in human demyelinating diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis